"Until the age of five the child should be treated like a king, and thereafter like a servant for ten years. But the moment the child attains the age of sixteen, he should be treated as a friend."
There is also a saying that, when the son has grown beyond your shoulders, he becomes a friend.
The first six years of a child are the crucial ones that make or mark a child's future. After the sixth year you can influence him but little. The formativ period of a child's life are the first six years. Then the cast is moulded. Nurseries are therefore most important. They should be manned by expert psychologists. The greatest education for the child comes from the mother. It is said :
"Ten times the ordinary teacher is the Acharya.
Hundred times the ordinary Acharya is the father.
The mother is a thousand times the father."
Therefore women must be educated well, particularly in the art of bringing up children.Swami Prajnanpad
Acharya : vient du sanskrit dont la racine char ou charya signifie conduire. Cela signifie littéralement : celui qui enseigne par la conduite (par l'exemple). En Inde, c'est le guide spirituel.
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